About webgl2-glmatrix2 project
The benefits of this project is offering an overview of the entire application logic, easy native implementations (hybrid app), object structural. Thanks to Mr.Keestu i use (gl-program-structure) new version of glmatrix (2.0). Push&Pop matrix just like in opengles 1.1. First level of customisation is texture part of code. In example custom_texture.js
List of examples :
- Adding color cube
- Adding color pyramyde
- Adding color square
- Adding color triangle
- Adding geometry
- Adding multi (compose) textures
- Adding square texture
- Blending
- Audion amnipulation
- Camera texture (stream texture)
- Cube
- Cube Geometry
- Cube Light & texture
- Cube light dynamic
- Custom texture
- First Person controller
- Load obj files
- Object animation -morh sequence
- Object animation mesh indices calculation
- JS1Kilo examples implementation [WIP]
- Porting 2D canvas (Active textures)
- Sphere geometry
- Texture uv manipulation
- Videos textures
We just override function for texture executing code. Next level is full custom opportunity , geometry , collision , networking etc.
Custom textures
App.scene.MySquareTexure1.custom.gl_texture = function ( object , t ) { world.GL.gl.bindTexture(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D, object.textures[t] );
world.GL.gl.texParameteri(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D, world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, world.GL.gl.LINEAR);
world.GL.gl.texParameteri(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D, world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, world.GL.gl.LINEAR);
world.GL.gl.texParameteri(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D, world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, world.GL.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
world.GL.gl.texParameteri(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D, world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, world.GL.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); world.GL.gl.texImage2D(
0, // Level of details
world.GL.gl.RGBA, // Format
world.GL.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, // Size of each channel
); world.GL.gl.generateMipmap(world.GL.gl.TEXTURE_2D); }
First person controller:
//In one line activate also deactivate .
App.camera.FirstPersonController = true; // Look in manifest.js camera : {
viewAngle: 45,
nearViewpoint: 0.1,
farViewpoint: 1000,
edgeMarginValue: 100,
FirstPersonController: false
Animated female droid:
// if you dont use obj or complex mesh you no need for this func
// Must be improved loading sequences function onLoadObj(meshes) { App.meshes = meshes;
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female1);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female2);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female3);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female4);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female5);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female6);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female7);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female8);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female9);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female10);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female11);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female12);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female13);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female14);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female15);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female16);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female17);
OBJ.initMeshBuffers(world.GL.gl, App.meshes.female18); textuteImageSamplers2 = {
source : ["res/images/RustPaint.jpg"],
mix_operation : "multiply", // ENUM: multiply, divide
}; setTimeout( function() { var animation_construct = {
id : "female",
sumOfAniFrames : 18 ,
currentAni : 0 ,
speed : 3
}; world.Add("obj" , 1 ,"female" , textuteImageSamplers2 , App.meshes.female , animation_construct ); App.scene.female.position.y = -3;
App.scene.female.rotation.rotationSpeed.z = 20;
App.scene.female.position.z = -13; },100) } OBJ.downloadMeshes({
'female': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000001.obj',
'female1': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000003.obj',
'female2': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000005.obj',
'female3': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000007.obj',
'female4': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000009.obj',
'female5': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000011.obj',
'female6': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000013.obj',
'female7': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000015.obj',
'female8': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000017.obj',
'female9': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000019.obj',
'female10': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000021.obj',
'female11': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000023.obj',
'female12': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000025.obj',
'female13': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000027.obj',
'female14': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000029.obj',
'female15': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000031.obj',
'female16': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000033.obj',
'female17': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000035.obj',
'female18': 'res/3d-objects/female/female_000037.obj',
} , onLoadObj );
// Use it
App.scene.female.glBlend.blendEnabled = true;
App.scene.female.glBlend.blendParamSrc = ENUMERATORS.glBlend.param[4];
App.scene.female.glBlend.blendParamDest = ENUMERATORS.glBlend.param[4];
- Load Obj with UV map (Blender export tested):
For more details dee this example script: load_obj_file.js
Video texture :
world.Add("cubeLightTex" , 1 ,"TV" , textuteImageSamplers , App.meshes.TV );
App.scene.TV.streamTextures = new VIDEO_TEXTURE( "Galactic Expansion Fractal Morph [Official Video]" );
Camera texture:
App.scene.TV.streamTextures = new ACCESS_CAMERA( "webcam_beta" );
Texture editor (runtime):
In examples : porting2d.js, porting_text.js, porting2d_particle.js you can found source code. It is very powerfull tool but you will need to use visual-js 2d canvas api part of project. Research 2dcanvas examples at: Online code snippet ( jsFiddle ) https://jsfiddle.net/user/zlatnaspirala/fiddles/
I put 2d program instance intro app/canvas2d folder. Than i use iframe for access and preview. Code for 2d program you can found at : app/canvas2d/starter/
To show/hide iframe use:
App.scene.outsideBox — is any object who have streamTextures LOADED with 2DCANVAS .
E('HOLDER_STREAMS').style.display = 'none';
Access to the canvas2d program:
External Licence:
- Video material used from :From youtube.com : Electric sheep — a facinating animated flame fractal
- TheMrNgaard Creative Commons Attribution licence (reuse allowed)
Live demo: Video and webcam works at:
Credits & Used Licence:
- Copyright © 2014 Tappali Ekanathan Keestu (keestu@gmail.com) GNU General Public License
- Textures download from http://textures.com