Safir render dom light framework based on Template Literals vs CustomEvents
SAFIR [1.0.5]
Tech: Based on ECMA6 programming paradigms builded on Template Literals, CustomEvents, Custom Tags.
Alternative software — High Performace

Safir use browserify
for building final pack script.
Must be simple and usefull. Performace must be 100% with full PWA support. For any platform adapted.
There are two way for creating web components:
- From code
- Vanilla component
Basic Example
Main instance script
import { Safir, On } from "safir";
import MyHeader from "./layouts/heder";
import Layout from "./layouts/body";let app = new Safir();
app.loadVanillaComp("vanilla-components/footer.html");On("app.ready", () => {
let myHeader = app.loadComponent(new MyHeader('my-header'));
let myLayout = app.loadComponent(new Layout('my-layout'));"App running [ready]...",;
});"App running [sync]...",;
In index.html header add:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
If you wanna use themes.
Add main dom holder:
<div id="app" class="theme-light app fill"></div>
Create component from code
It is very similar to the reactjs and vue but it is not. There is no jsx support. This software use already exist feature Template Literal ECMA6 vs CustomEvents. This is the best way to organize web app in easy and progressive way. Performance and simplity are main objective in this project.
Next level will be improvements in custom tag field.
How works app updates? When you create Safir Component use class MyNewClass extends BaseComponent
. BaseComponent will handle situation. Safir have only function set
for updating class props. Calling the set
function will cause a rerender and dispach event with on-<name_of_prop>
To create props just add it normally intro class eg. `counter = 0'.
set(arg, newValue, extraData?)
- arg -> name of prop eg. counter
- newValue -> New value / what ever
- extraData -> it is object with only `{ emit: true }`
it is optimal arg. Usage:
mySybCompBtnNoEmit.set('counter', newValue, { emit: false }); Catch it any where you want:
On('on-counter', (data) => {'[on-counter] Trigger Btn Yes [catched from body] ', data.detail);
let t = data.detail;
// Because we use multiply same component with also same prop name
// you can use `detail.emitter` to determinate by id who made dispach.
if (t.emitter === "yes") {
this.set('statusCounterYes', t.newValue);
} else if (t.emitter === "no") {
this.set('statusCounterNo', t.newValue);
// local tbn (no-emit) never emitted!
@Note About dom attribute.
After first call of func set('counter', 1)
engine will setup root dom element with attribute data-counter="1"
. This must be optimised [make some extra arg or make it disable by default...] This feature is No required but can be used.
My Button
import {BaseComponent} from "../../index";export default class MyButton extends BaseComponent {
id = '';
text = '';
counter = 0; get getCounter() {
return this.counter;
} ready = () => {}; constructor(arg) {
}c onClick = this.clickBind; // Attached on root dom element
// data-counter="${this.getCounter}"
render = () => `
<button onclick="(${this.onClick})('${}')">
${this.text} counter => ${this.getCounter}
My Header
import MyButton from "../components/button";
import {
On, T,
BaseComponent } from "../../index";export default class MyHeader extends BaseComponent { id = 'my-heder';
slogan = 'My header.';
mySybCompBtnYes = new MyButton({ text: T.yes, id: 'yes'});
mySybCompBtnNo = (new MyButton({ text:, id: 'no'}));
mySybCompBtnNoEmit = (new MyButton({ text: T.textAlert, id: 'local'})); constructor(arg) {
this.initial(arg); On('yes', () => {'Trigger Btn Yes', (this));
let newValue = this.mySybCompBtnYes.getCounter + 1;
this.mySybCompBtnYes.set('counter', newValue);
}); On('no', () => {'Trigger Btn no', (this));
let newValue = this.mySybCompBtnNo.getCounter - 1;
this.mySybCompBtnNo.set('counter', newValue);
}); On('local', () => {
let newValue = this.mySybCompBtnNoEmit.getCounter - 1;'You can always get trigger detect by id !', (this));'But no trigger for props setter with { emit: false } !', (this));
this.mySybCompBtnNoEmit.set('counter', newValue, { emit: false });
}); On('change-theme', () => {
(this).changeTheme();'Trigger ChangeTheme integrated.');
}) } change = this.clickBind; /**
* @description
* Component in component case :
* Use renderId.
render = () => `
<div class="middle h5">
<button onclick="(${this.change})('change-theme')">
Change Theme
Simple list render with click catch
import {BaseComponent} from "../../index";export default class MyList extends BaseComponent {
id = '';
// This is props
tableData = [
'👽 Modern tech',
'👌 Performance',
'🤑 Free soft',
'😜 Easy use',
'💔 Breaking',
'💥 Star project',
'👁️🗨️ Event oriented',
'🖖 No single unnecessary element',
'🤘 Safir rocks',
'👨🔬 Use npm service',
'👨💻 Open source',
constructor(arg) {
onClick = this.clickBind;
render = () => `
<div class="verCenter">
${, index) =>
`<h1 onclick="(${this.onClick})('${}')"
class="middle">` + index + item + `</h1>`
For demo2.js try in console: // myBoxComp.set('tableData', ['wao', 'woow'])
- Perfect for async app flow.
- Css is local scoped (loaded only when the vanilla component is loaded).
- Only role is `put tag <script> after <style> and <html>`<style>
.myFooter {
font-family: Accuratist;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 30px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
</style><div id="footer" class="theme-dark myFooter" onclick="footer.callMe()">
</div><script>'Footer load. Vanilla component is extreme html/css/js orientend.');'Write here javascript only, it is dynamic (async loaded script).');'I recommended nersted object structure!'); let footer = {
root: document.getElementById('footer'),
callMe: function(e) {
console.log('Call trigger on footer.', this);
this.root.innerHTML = 'what ever';
Style can be used with props [from code]. Style comes with examples it is not real part safir core but it is deeply integrated within. It is a part of this repo also.
Safir use scss
with themed integrated but don't include dev tools for it. You need to use Visual Code Exstension Live Sass
. Because we need css in final dist folder we need to run
for any changes intro assets or css folder. This will be fixed with live sass
settings in future.
Any changes in assets/ folder need run ``
For localhost (http) web server:
http-server ./dist -p 80
npm run host
For localhost watch: Run watch:
npm run demo1
npm run demo2
For production (https) web server: Run command:
npm run build.demo1
npm run build.demo2
npm run build.all
Build Library [option]
If you don’t wanna use npm service
or you dont wanna use module type
and compiling js
code then you can build empty lib like javascript ES5 or ES6.
"build.lib": "browserify lib.js -p esmify > dist/safir.lib.js",
Import intro HTML direct:
<script defer src="safir.lib.js"></script>
Basic examples:
- Demo1.js [How to use? Create and update prop on click]
- Demo2.js [How to use? Table data remove item from list on click]
Used for css animation: ->